born: Washington D.C., USA/ living and working in France since 1988
1977 MFA
(Master of Fine Arts), Indiana University, Bloomington / Ford
Foundation fellowship in painting
1974 BFA (Bachelor of
Fine Arts) magna cum laude/avec mention, Maryland
Institute of Art, Baltimore, MD USA
1972 -73 Academia de Belli Arte, Universita Per Stranieri,
Perugia, Italy
1990 Fellow,
Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France
1992 & 1994 Artist
in residence, Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig, Ireland
2012 DRAC,
Aide individuelle à la création (French government
grant for visual artist)
"more fun" biographie (en français)
born: Washington D.C., USA/ living and working in France since 1988
1977 MFA
(Master of Fine Arts), Indiana University, Bloomington / Ford Foundation
fellowship in painting
1974 BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) magna
cum laude/avec mention, Maryland Institute of Art, Baltimore,
1972 -73 Academia de Belli Arte, Universita Per
Stranieri, Perugia, Italy/ language, art history, fine-arts
1990 Fellow,
Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France
1992 & 1994 Artist in
residence, Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig, Ireland
2012 DRAC,
Aide individuelle à la création (French
government grant for visual artist)
solo exhibitions
2014-16/ limited work due to illness
2012 CITU--Centre culturel Int'l de la Tour des Ursulines, Autun, France (catalogue)
2010 Musée Rolin, "Accords inattendus" Autun, France (sculpture, video, concert)
2009 Galerie Marianne Brand, "Vagabondages" Genève, Suisse
2008 Trubahus Galerie, Azmoos, Suisse
2004 Musée Rolin, Autun, France/ curator: Brigitte Maurice-Chabard (catalogue)
-Trubahus Galerie, Azmoos, Suisse
2003 Galerie Alexandre Mottier, Genève, Suisse
2000 Immanenz Galerie, Frankfurt, Allemagne
1999 Galerie Alexandre Mottier, Genève, Suisse
-Trubahus Galerie, Azmoos, Suisse
1997 BertArt Galerie, Dietikon-Zürich, Suisse
1996 Galerie Literart, Genève, Suisse
1993 Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence, France
1990 Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence, France
-Château de Gordes, Gordes, France
selected group exhibitions
2020 Galerie Eulenspiegel, "Jubilaum 30 Jahre Rahmenatelier", Basel, Switzerland
2018 Galerie Eulenspiegel, Gruppenausstellung (3 artistes), Basel
2015 Musée Rolin, Autun, France "Le Musée sort
de sa reserve! Oeuvres inédites"
from the museum's reserve: works
not previously exhibited
2013 Internationale d'art miniature, 7e edition, Levis (Quebec), Canada
2004 Galerie Olivier Nouvelet, "Intimes conversations" Paris 6ème
98-04 Galerie Alexandre Mottier, collectives annuelles, Genève, Suisse
99-00 Galerie La Tour des Cardinaux, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France (en permanence)
2000 Peinture Fraiche, Paris 7ème
-Galerie Capazza, Nancay, France
1998 Espace Pierre Cardin, «55 Artistes Internationaux», Paris
1995 Galerie Karina Piluso, « Petits Formats », Aix-en-Provence, France
1992 XXIV Festival Int'l de la Peinture, Château Musée Haut-de-Cagnes, France (catalogue)
1998 First Street Gallery, New York, NY, U.S.A., (curator: James McGarrell)
-Faber Birren Color Award Exhibition, Stanford, Connecticut
1987 Three Rivers Arts Festival, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
-30th Chautauqua National Exhibition of American Art, Chautauqua, NY (first prize, painting)
1986 Paper/Fiber IX, Arts Center, Iowa City, (first prize, works on paper)
1985 XVI Works on Paper, Texas State University, San Marco, Texas (curator: Alfred Leslie)
Museum of Art Drawing National, Everson Museum, Syracuse, New York
to six venues (curators: John Perreault, Clement
Greenberg / catalogue)
J. MacLaughlin Memorial Staff Exhibition, Phillips Collection, Washington
collections publiques:
Fonds cantonal d'art contemporain, Genéve, Suisse
Musée Rolin, Autun, France
International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction, Fort Worth, Texas, US